Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Alias stuff next week

I chatted last week with a really nice lady at Alias San Francisco. I didn't even realize that they had an office here! I just got an email back tonight and I am going to stop by there for a little visit next week and that will be super fun. I am pretty excited to check out the place!! On the same day I am also going to the Maya 6.5 Demo at the Apple Store in San Francisco so that will be totally awesome too.

Tonight I was hanging out with the other interns and Taylor made some really good pasta. We talked about work and upcoming movies and character rigging and papers at Siggraph and a million other cool things for hours and then I headed back to my apartment to watch some reruns of SNL and Family Guy. Good times!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to my Birthday on SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!! I'll be 23. Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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