Sunday, March 02, 2008

More unpacking, SNL

Yes folks, that's right. The ongoing train of unpacking my boxes that arrived 6 months ago continues! Tonight was pretty super successful. I watched pieces of several movies like "Wedding Crashers" and "Old School", in the background, then some terrible Mad TV clip show which suuuucked and then, finally, Saturday Night Live. Ellen Page was hosting (Canadian actress, star of the awesome movie "Juno"), a band called Wilco was playing (they rocked), and Ellen Page was possibly even more attractive and gloriously beautiful than in any of her other prior TV appearances. 1 word... fine. Anyway apart from the obvious hotness, the show was really funny too, and I love the way they portray the politicians and re-do the political debates in SNL form. Hilarious.

While not watching TV I spent a bunch of time unpacking more stuff. I actually got through almost 2 major boxes! It's great. Most of the stuff I got to tonight was toys (which are going to my desk at work), and plaques/awards from elementary school and high school which are super cool to see and I really want to put them up in my apartment.

Silly post-it notes from ages ago, Valentine's Day samps, and an "Official CD ROM user" privilege card from my middle school in England!!

Alias binder and a cat Halloween costume

Central Jazz shirt

My Ninja Turtles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Ghostbusters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ghostbusters Eraser

Lots of medals

More of the awards I am going to put up

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