Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm in the credits for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen!


Now that the movie is out I wanted to make it public to all my friends... I'm in the credits for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen!!!!!!!!

Keep an eye out for my name after the "Visual Effects by Industrial Light and Magic" title credit, under Research & Development!

This is really awesome. I've just about hit my 2-year anniversary of working at ILM, and over the past couple of years I've been doing some fantastically exciting software development as part of the Animation and Creature Pipeline Development team in the Research and Development department at ILM. It was a dream come true to start working at ILM, and it continues to be absolutely incredible to work with such a talented and brilliant group of engineers and artists. Transformers 2 was really exciting to have the opportunity to contribute to, especially because of some of the amazing achievements that Michael Bay lists here on his website.

I'll be posting lots more articles as they come up. The movie is AWESOME. I gotta catch it in IMAX too (if I can still get tickets for this weekend!). Ahhhhhh maaaaaaan it is so amazing!! The effects and sound and action will knock your frickin' socks off.

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